Photography Policy
Video and Photography Policy
Video and Photography Policy
The events organised by the members of the Victorian Model Solar Vehicle Challenge Inc. association (VMSVC Inc) are held in public spaces and as such there is minimal legal limitation to image taking, photography or video capture at the events by any parties. If during the running of the event you encounter or witness what you consider to be inappropriate behaviour in the regards of photography or video capture you are encouraged to seek out an event official to raise your concerns and not to take any direct action.
By attending and/or participating in any of the Victorian Model Solar Vehicle Challenge events you are granting VMSVC Inc. permission for the following:
- that you or your child/ward may be photographed or filmed by the media or other individuals at the competition.
- VMSVC Inc. may use your name and image and the name and image of your child/ward in any materials approved by the VMSVC Inc. including but not limited to, official newsletters, websites, marketing material, televised broadcasts and major sponsors websites.
- in addition to the above you are waiving the right to:
- inspect or approve VMSVC Inc. sanctioned materials which may contain your name or image of the name or image of your child/ward, whether in draft or final product.
- royalties or other compensation in respect to the use of your name and image or the name and image of your child/ward in any VMSVC Inc. sanctioned materials, now or in the future whether you know of the materials or not.
- you agree to release and discharge VMSVC Inc. and its agents, including, but not limited to, any organisation publishing and/or distributing the VMSVC Inc. santioned materials in whole or in part, whether on paper or via electronic media, from any and all claims for damages, loss, liability or other relief that you or your child/ward may have against them in respect to the use of your name and image or the name and image of your child/ward in any VMSVC Inc. materials.