2024 Event information

Solar Participation Certificate 2024.docx

Participation certificate template

VMSVC Photography Policy.pdf

Photography policy

VMSVC Solar Challenge Fixture - 20 October 2024


This information is provided in no particular order:

Catering: The school will be organizing a sausage sizzle and a coffee cart. You can also bring your own food.

Location: Find Boats at the quadrangle and Cars on the oval

Awards: The main awards are - 

1st, 2nd and 3rd for Wellington cars

1st, 2nd and 3rd for Sheridan cars

1st, 2nd and 3rd for Junior boats

1st, 2nd and 3rd for Advanced boats

These will be presented on the day.

Depending upon numbers on the day and at the discretion of the judges there could be other awards for the following (and maybe other noteworthy attributes): 

Wellington cars: Fourth place, best engineered, car with most points scored, poster & video as well as team uniform.

Kit cars: Car placing fourth, overall best team performance on points, best poster, best team effort, best uniform and best decorated car.

Boats both junior & advanced: Best poster or video, and best uniform. 

These discretionary awards will be printed and presented on the day.

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